28 July 2007

The more things stay the same...

As I’ve gotten some press from good friend and blog (tor)mentor, Brian, I thought it would probably be a good idea to post again. (As that’s what bloggers do, and what he’ll grill me for not doing.) So, here’s the latest attempt at sufficiently-disclosive, on-demand drabble.

Alphi and omegi
The next two weeks mark a significant transition for me: the final switch from ‘worker’ back to ‘student’. It’s been 8 years since I made this far-reaching a change in my activities and experience, and though a meaningful shift in me, I’m looking forward to the new opportunities and the ~1 year countdown to “Doctor” me, and the likely employment and location changes that title will allow.

Yet, while the new school year looms, and my new life as full-time grad student ambles toward me, the summer and various other life items are coming to end:

  • Paycheck from full-time work. (Occasional bookstore and new TA checks are nice, but not quite so full-figured…)

  • Long-planned student retreat (mentioned last post) went well, with a number of interesting mis-connects between students and faculty. Great colleagues; good work done; and the weather was lovely in San Jose. (Mentally clinging to those cool breezes…) It also was my last scheduled travel out of town, after a busy travel season.

  • Just finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (or “HP7” as we say ‘in the industry’). FYI, the castle sinks, they all die…
So, in flux, here’s to balance!

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